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Parks Victoria advise that across five days in August, four State Parks within the region will be closed to visitors due to the conducting of an aerial shooting operation targeting deer and other pest species.

In partnership with the Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA), Parks Victoria will commence the operation on Monday 19 August with its last day on Friday 23 August, and between the hours of 7.30am and 5.30pm each day.

The shooting operation area is confined to Langi Ghiran State Park, Mount Buangor State Park, Mount Cole State Forest and Mount Lonarch State Forest. 

The objective of the program is to target invasive species (including deer), to assist in the area’s post-fire recovery. By reducing these animals’ numbers, Parks Victoria can also reduce the species’ negative impacts on cultural, agricultural, and biodiversity factors within the Parks and surrounding areas. 

The aerial program adheres to strict rules, regulations and codes of practice. Shooting will not occur on private property unless a private access agreement is in place between property owner/manager and Parks Victoria. 

Visitor sites that will be closed include all areas of Langi Ghiran State Park, Mount Buangor State Park, Mount Lonarch State Forest and Mount Cole State Forest.

If you have any questions or concerns surrounding this planned aerial shoot operation, please do not hesitate to contact the Parks Victoria by phone (13 19 63) or via email: [email protected]


LOCATIONS: Langi Ghiran State Park, Mount Buangor State Park, Mount Cole State Forest and Mount Lonarch State Forest.

DATES: Monday 19 August – Friday 23 August

TIMES: 7.30am – 5.30pm daily

Image: Mt Langi Ghiran State Park, photographed by Parks Victoria.

National park scene with sun shining through trees, rocks, ferns and other plants

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