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Dear residents of Ararat Rural City,

I am acting now in delivering this message to you, to address a matter of utmost importance. It is my duty as Mayor to correct misinformation and outright falsehoods which have recently circulated within our community.

I want to assure you all that Council is following its Community Vision (2021 - 2031) of which the first line is: Over the next ten years, Ararat Rural City Council will develop into a community characterised by strong population growth trajectories that buck trends in rural Victoria. This is our roadmap for the future.

Our Council Plan (2021 - 2025) is very clear. One of its six key objectives is prioritising housing development. We sought community feedback at all stages of the Plan’s creation, and we are confident that the document serves the interests of our community as a whole. Measures of success applied to the Council Plan include increased available residential land and increased housing stock.

It is Council’s role to develop strategy and the organisation’s role to implement it. We support our Council staff in the roles that they undertake in this process. At every stage of planning decisions, Council staff clearly follow the consultation requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This is how we ensure transparency and fairness in decision making for all parties.


The table on the right provides a breakdown of lot sizes within the Ararat General Residential Zone as of September 2024.

The data shows a very good spread of lot sizes which offers choice to investors and homeowners, with an average lot size of 956 square metres, which is well over double average Melbourne lot size.


It is important to provide some factual information about the status of two current planning processes.

Materials Recycling Plant at Manhari Metals

This planning application (PA3354) was lodged in December 2023. As part of the planning process, additional information was requested and provided to Council in July 2024. The information was checked and determined sufficient to progress to the next stage of advertising and referral to appropriate external referral agencies (including EPA).

Submissions made from the public have been passed onto the applicant for a response. It is likely that the referral agencies will seek clarification in the form of a further information request. Once all further information has been provided to the satisfaction of the referral authorities and Council, a community consultation meeting will be undertaken to provide opportunity for all parties to express their views and explain the planning process prior to any final recommendation being made.

Tatyoon Road Development

This planning application (PA3398) is for a small development of three single-story units on a 1012 square metre lot. The application was advertised to adjoining landowners.

One objection was lodged with a number of signatories from surrounding landowners, with nomination of a single person as a point of contact. A consultation meeting was held with the applicant and the objectors to explain the application and the process of determining the application including options to all parties should any of them not be satisfied with the outcome.

After the meeting, the application was assessed by Council planners and deemed to be in accordance with the Ararat Planning Scheme and a Notice of Decision was issued. As outlined at the consultation meeting, both objectors and the applicant have a right to take the matter to VCAT for a review of the decision. If an appeal is not lodged with VCAT the Notice of Decision will be converted to a planning permit. Should an appeal be lodged, VCAT will determine the final outcome of the proposal.

A table of raw data showing lots in Ararat Residential Zone categorised by size

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