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In October this year, our community’s residents will again get the opportunity to elect their local government, choosing the candidates whom they believe are most representative of their diverse interests. 

Voting is an important and effectual right for all residents. However, there is another way to affect the changes you wish to see within the community.

If you are interested in working towards a better, stronger and more sustainable future for our municipality, have you considered standing for Council? 

Local government plays a critical role in shaping our region, and by participating in its running you can make a direct difference to issues you believe deserve visibility.

Alongside Victoria’s local governments, The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) is delivering a number of information sessions which will equip you with the knowledge you need to decide if standing for Council is for you. Topics covered will include the role of local government, responsibilities of various Council figures, candidate requirements, Councillor training, and development opportunities. 

These sessions can be attended either in-person or online via Microsoft Teams video call.

The sessions are already underway, with two upcoming dates specifically tailored for potential candidates in the Wimmera Southern Mallee Central Highlands grouping: Thursday 8 August 2024 (hosted by Ballarat City), and Wednesday 14 August (hosted by Hindmarsh Shire Council). 

Potential candidates are welcome to attend information sessions outside of their municipality, and can also attend more than one session if they wish. 

“Serving as Councillor in local government is one of the most rewarding honours you could hold in your career,” says Mayor of Ararat, Cr Bob Sanders. “The ability to make a positive difference in the lives of the community is something we can action every single day in local government. I encourage anyone who feels passionately about shaping the future of our region to attend one of these valuable information sessions, and seriously consider standing for Council.”

Register your interest in attending an information session at the dedicated MAV site.

Seven people standing on the steps of a building and smiling for camera

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