As we approach the two-year anniversary of the October 2022 flood event, Council wishes to reflect on its impact and work towards better supporting our community into the future.
Weather events can significantly impact our community, causing additional stress on all areas of our daily lives. As such, Council are working with residents to discover where there is room for improvement around delivery of information, support, and/or tools for building resilience in flood affected areas.
Topics we wish to cover include communication, cultural awareness and mental health care.
Please head to Engage Ararat and complete the short survey to assist Council in ensuring their research reflects your experiences and ideas.
“Council are looking for your real thoughts and experiences of the late 2022 floods, to inform improvements in serving our community,“ says Ararat Rural City Council CEO Dr Tim Harrison. “We don’t operate on guesswork; residents who fill out this survey will be giving us crucial guiding insight into how we make these important decisions.”
The survey will close for submissions on 12 August 2024.