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Council are preparing applications for State Government funding for a new dog park within our municipality, as part of our commitment to enhancing community spaces and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

To help us understand the community’s ways of engaging with community spaces and dog parks, we are seeking the community’s input to help inform this project.

The proposed dog park will provide a dedicated, outdoor, fenced space for dogs to exercise and socialise off-leash safely. Dog parks can also offer other benefits, including a way for community to socialise, improved mental and physical health for dog owners, and a safer environment for dogs to play.

Council invites all residents to participate in the survey, to share their thoughts on the proposed dog park and affiliated amenities. The survey has 15 questions and should only take about 10 minutes to complete. 

Whether you are a dog owner, a frequent visitor to our parks, or simply a community member with an interest in local developments, your feedback is valuable in helping us ensure the proposed dog park meets the needs and expectations of our community as much as possible.

“The community's input on the proposed new dog park is crucial to ensuring our residents hold an understanding of ownership of the space, and that it meets local needs,” says Ararat Rural City Council CEO Dr Tim Harrison. “The project will benefit from diverse perspectives, potentially uncovering innovative ideas and addressing concerns pre-emptively – and a collaborative approach promotes transparency in decision-making. We want to maximise the park's value for all residents.”

To access the survey, please visit the dedicated Engage Ararat page.

The submission deadline for this survey is 5pm on Monday 16 September 2024.

A small caramel-coloured dog sitting in a park and smiling

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