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Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program

The Ararat Wind Farm Pty Ltd is proud to once again provide the Sustainable Community Grants Fund for 2025. The fund provides financial support to promote social and environmental sustainability initiatives for the benefit of the communities within the municipalities of Ararat, Northern Grampians and the Pyrenees. This fund is part of the Ararat Wind Farm’s community investment program.

Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program is open for a period of 3 weeks commencing on Monday, March 24, 2025, and closing on Sunday, 13 April , 2025.

For more information please see below, or to discuss your proposal with Council please contact Phillippa Cairns on 0437 715 673 or email [email protected]

Windfarm image
Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program 2025

To be eligible to apply, group/organisations must demonstrate that:

  • The group/organisation is based within the municipalities of Ararat, Northern Grampians or Pyrenees.
  • The group/organisation is a not-for-profit entity or local community group.
  • The group/organisation must have the permission of their whole of the Committee or organisation they are representing
  • Be able to demonstrate financial viability and competence
  • Individuals cannot apply for themselves
  • Relevant project/program within the selection criteria
  • Cannot be a Council or a Committee of Council
  • Cannot be a School as they do not meet the eligibility criteria
How much funding is available?

Funding of up to $7,500 or $15,000 (with a co-contribution) are on offer through the Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program 2025. Each year the grants program increases the total grant pool in line with CPI with the funding being shared across the three municipalities of Ararat Rural City, Northern Grampians Shire and Pyrenees Shire Councils.

  1. Applications up to $7,500.00 are invited, as a one-off grant for projects that do not require matching dollar for dollar funding contributions. In-kind contributions will not be considered under these applications. A project completion report confirming the final project budget matched to the initial project budget will be required at the completion of the project.


  2. Applications up to $15,000.00 on a 2:1 co-contribution ratio is dependent on the individual request (project) and available funding at the time. Co-contributions can be from the community group or from another confirmed grant. It is expected that a proportion of the funds will come from the group or organisation applying.

In-kind support, as part of the applicant’s contribution will not be considered.

The objective of this larger grant allocation is to help community groups leverage dollar- for-dollar funding with government and non-government funding programs. Grant allocations are often conditional on groups receiving funding from other sources. Funding partnerships should be discussed with the Community and Event Coordinator before submitting applications. For unconfirmed grant monies from external parties being part of full project costs, this program’s contribution, if successful, will be conditional upon confirmation of those funds.

Please note: Two applications from the same organisation within the same year will not be accepted.

Selection Criteria

As the Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program is a competitive application process, the program will receive more funding applications than it can support.

Applications that best meet the criteria will have the greatest chance of success.

What type of projects will be supported?

  • Sustainable Environmental projects 
  • Educational and Youth 
  • Social, Health and Wellbeing projects
  • Projects that geographically sit with-in a 20km radius of the Ararat Wind Farm
  • Cultural Diversity and Creative Arts projects


What types of projects are ineligible for funding?

Examples of applications considered ineligible for funding include:

  • Requests for retrospective funding (if a project has commenced it is deemed retrospective)
  • Recurrent operating costs
  • Salary subsidies
  • Routine/cyclical maintenance funding
  • Applications to purchase food for catering, and events management, or alcohol
  • Sponsorships
How and when do I apply?

When can I apply for funds?

Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program is opened to receive applications once per financial year and open for a period of 3 weeks commencing on Monday, March 24, 2025, and closing on Sunday, 13 April , 2025.

To apply there are 3 easy steps.

  1. Download the information fact sheet to find all details on the requirements for your grant application (available at the bottom of this page.) Please contact Council to discuss your proposal if you are unsure, as they can assist you through the process.
  2. Gather all documentation required and ensure they are scanned ready for attaching to your grant application. (See 'what do I need for my application' section below.)
  3. Click on the relevant application form below and complete the application online. Although you can save the application form as you go, it is recommended you have all documentation etc ready before you commence. Please allow 30 - 45 minutes to complete the application. 

Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

For all queries or questions please contact Phillippa Cairns on 0437 715 673 or email [email protected].


What do I need for my application?

When completing your online application, please have ready:

  • Current list of committee members
  • Letters of support 
  • Copy of Public Liability Insurance certificate
  • Copy of your organisation's most recent bank statement
  • Budget outline for the project
  • Any copies of quotes from suppliers

You will be required to upload these documents with your application. 

What happens once my application is submitted?
  • A notification email will be sent acknowledging the receipt of your application within 14 days of final submission.
  • Applications are assessed for their eligibility.
  • Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be notified as soon as practicable.
  • Assessment panel will meet to assess applications against the funds selection criteria.

The Assessment panel is generally made up of six people represented by the following:

  1. One officer from Ararat Rural City Council (compulsory)
  2. One officer from Northern Grampians Shire Council (compulsory)
  3. One officer from Pyrenees Shire Council (compulsory)
  4. One member of the public who resides within the Ararat municipality (if possible)
  5. One member of the public who resides within the Northern Grampians Shire municipality (if possible)
  6. One member of the public who resides within the Pyrenees Shire municipality (if possible)
If you are successful

You will receive a letter and where possible a telephone call, indicating your application has been successful shortly after the Assessment Panel  have made  their  final decision.    On acceptance of your grant and agreement to the terms and conditions that are contained within your letter, the grant will be paid directly into your bank account.


Timeframe: All projects are to be completed and acquitted by 30th June 2026. If for unforeseen circumstances there is a problem with completion, please notify Council immediately.

If you are unsuccessful

You will receive notification that your application was not successful.  If you wish  to  discuss your application further regarding other options for your project, please contact Council to discuss. 

Apply Now for Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grant up to $7,500

Ensure you have all documents required and click here to submit your application. 

Apply Now for Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grant up to $15,000

Ensure you have all documents required and click here to submit your application. 

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